
I have always enjoyed making others laugh. I take life seriously but don't mind making fun of myself, and I love to tease others, often to my detriment! Much of what is funny borders on the tragedy. This realization gave birth to Captain Crossbones in 1982. Its basic concept is shipmates at odds with each other, but life's darker side feeds many gags, such as executions, sea battles, and mutinies. In these situations, I find humor in the exchanges between the characters.

I found the most pleasure in writing Captain Crossbones cartoons when I began doing so for The Columbia Insider in 2010: a bi-weekly publication about activities in and around Columbia County, NY, published by Pat Fisher and Ed Pollack, containing articles on different subjects and shopping tips. Each issue is done with a theme, such as announcing the beginning of seasons, holidays, and even sporting events. After the first year of supplying Captain Crossbones cartoons for each issue, in the second year, I began to write my gags based on the publication's themes, and that's when I think my cartoons started to get funny. Writing jokes based on current topics from a 17th Century pirate captain's point of view adds even more fun to the gags and adds interest to the cartoon in seeing how it compliments the issue's theme. So, enjoy!